Lobsters, tears, steroids, redos—the tale of distraction

“The life of the body is the soul;
the life of the soul is God.”

St. Anthony of Padua

(Saint-Sulpice, Paris, France / Julie Cook / 2018)

I don’t cry…often.

Well, there are some commercials that can get me to shed a tear or two.

The Toyota commercial that ran during Christmas with the mom
going off the bring her husband home while the son was busy enlisting the
help of all his friends in the neighborhood to make a row
of snowmen, lining the road up to their house, all saluting his returning veteran dad…

The camera pans to the dad who sees the saluting snowmen.
The mom pulls into the driveway where the snowmen are saluting alongside a saluting son.
The dad gets out of the car, stops to salute his son before engulfing him in his arms…

tears as I type.

That is the kind of commercial that “gets me”

Other than that, I’m pretty stoic.

I cry usually when I am totally and utterly exasperated or when I’m really really sick.

Let us recall my little predicament from last week.

Last week I had a root canal that went awry….not away but awry.

Over the weekend, the endodontist called in a different antibiotic after the
original prescription appeared not to be working.


I took the first pill Saturday.
That evening after showering, I noticed I was itching on my abdomen and noticed a
red blotchiness.

I took the next dose right before bed.

By morning’s first light, I looked like a freshly boiled lobster being pulled hot from the pot.

From head to toe, front to back… I was a giant red itchy rash.
And my root canal tooth…well it was throbbing so badly that I started scouring
the house for a pair of pliers.

We went to breakfast with our son and daughter-n-law and the Mayor.
I didn’t feel much like eating but I’ll never miss being with the Mayor.
My face was red as a beet but given our location, my daughter-n-law slyly noted
folks will just think you’ve had a facial peel.

Calls to the endodontist, the clindamycin was quickly discontinued.
Up the Motrin, use the pain meds, and get some Benadryl to counter the drug reaction.

I don’t usually take Benadryl but I took one and then dozed off during the
poor play calling against the Saints.

Which from what I hear was best.

I tried writing my post for the following day but it was as if I had been drugged…
I couldn’t type out one word without it being a mishmash of letters.

I dozed some more.

My daughter-n-law text asking how I felt.
I sent back a scathing text of woe…but somehow I sent it to the endodontist instead of my


Profuse apologies followed but at least he understood, in no uncertain terms,
that I was in a bad way.

I dozed again.

The Saints lost, the Patriots won, I was red, itching and had a throbbing head.
Sunday was tough.

So back to the notion of crying.

This morning I felt so bad, I had had so many meds that were meant to help…
feeling so so bad such that I almost passed out, twice.

I fell onto the bed and broke down in tears.
Tears of frustration and hurting, tears of feeling bad and tears of knowing
how busy our lives are soon to be while thinking that I need to be 100%.

Typical mom thinking.

My husband is not used to this.

I am the little rock.
I am the chief caregiver.
I am the take charge and ‘it’s time to get rolling’ member of the family.

And so…he did what most husbands do when given such a predicament, he panicked.

“We’re going to the ER” he exclaimed.

Yet his better option appeared to simply pace the floor back and forth in front of me—
which in turn was making me a nervous wreck.

Crying and husbands, a true difficulty.

I told him I’d just call the doctor when the office opened.

I called both my doctor and then the endodontist.

My doctor could see me at 10:45
The other at 2 PM

When the nurse called me back, with one look, she said what we always say down here
in the South when things are bad…
“Bless your heart”

The doctor walked in…”Oh my gosh!! Bless your heart!!! You ARE a red mess!”

I could only muster a feeble “help me…”

She countered with a resounding “You need a good slug of steroids.”

She proceeded with two shots–steroids and B-12— as my B-12 levels were way low
according to last week’s labs.
Then there was a prescription for oral steroids.

Next, it was off to the endodontist’s office.

He proceeded to do a redo root canal.
Working basically backward…undoing what he did then
redoing it all over again.

As I type, the novocaine is still lingering.
The throbbing remains at bay.
The steroids have kicked in.
The red is slowly dissipating as the itching is lessening.
There is indeed a small ray of sunshine…

No, literally the sun is shining… we haven’t seen it in a while.
So that’s a good thing.

But this tale is really just a tale of distraction.
A distraction from the pressing matters that need addressing.

Issues like some young boys from a Catholic school who have become the
latest fodder for all things social media and wrongful reporting.

Issues like the obvious hypnotizing from the new Marxist left of the general populace.

Issues like showing any support for the current sitting president equating to hate.

Issues like a fetus being considered not a human being.

Issues like the billboard that I recently caught while buzzing down the interstate at warp speed
that read:
(Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information)

But that’s it right?
That’s the bottom line.

God Created.

End of sentence.

And so now the question remains, what shall we do with the stewardship we have been
given over that creating?

That is the real question and the real issue…

So as soon as things clear up on this end, we’ll get back to what’s really the issue at hand.

God Created.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

1 Colossians 1:16

26 comments on “Lobsters, tears, steroids, redos—the tale of distraction

  1. SharaC says:

    Oh friend I’m so sorry about this! What a fiasco! Your humor and insight are just as fantastic even in the midst of annoying circumstances. Feel better!

  2. atimetoshare.me says:

    Hang in there, kiddo. Your stamina will return soon. There is nothing worse than a tooth. Of course when God created teeth, they weren’t supposed to decay and need root canals. Good old Adam and Eve again. I’d have that little trouble maker pulled if I were you. Stay strong, Yoda!

  3. Karen says:

    It sounds like you may be on the mend…I hope so. Our poor husbands, sometimes they feel helpless when we are so distraught. BTW, my husband has read one of your posts and said you are an excellent writer. 🙂

    • Karen I certainly appreciate that!
      Despite his being a Patriots fan, he’s alright in my book!
      They fret when their sidekicks are side lined — I’m back seeing the doctor as she wants another peek at the lobster but yes— the steroids are helping 🦞🦞

  4. hatrack4 says:

    I’m praying for full recovery, no more pain, and good results on all fronts. I had a root canal done by a quack. There was a fourth root that he did not get completely. Once or twice a year, I get a dull ache – all that suffering and a botched job, I’ve been there. Praying your is done right.

    • Thank You Mark—I had a tooth once that had an extra root..that root canal was a redo.
      Yesterday was a redo and seems now more stable…but the rash persists despite 2 steroid shots (another today) and now a throat infection–
      go figure—when it rains it pours—but soon the sun will shine!!!

      • hatrack4 says:

        I was talking to my mechanic the other day about how some bodies retain something more than others. He is taking chemo and they overshot the dosage. It takes him forever for it to come back down. I have an affinity for tritium. Glad I no longer work nuclear. I know it hurts, but time may be needed. I will pray for a short time.

      • And mine is just a freaking antibiotic gone haywire in my system 😞

  5. Tricia says:

    Oh Julie I’m so sorry for all your health issues, it sounds just awful! You remain I. Good spirits though and manage to knock out another good post. I stand in awe.

    Prayers for quick healing and no more trips to the torture monger, um dentist.

  6. Reblogged this on Talmidimblogging and commented:
    Praying for you SC 🍪🐛🙏

  7. Oh, Jules… I’m sooo sorry you’ve had such a horrendous time of it!! (Yet, somehow you manage to pull out a profound application in your post!!) I am praying NOW for your healing and comfort! Love you much!! ❤️❤️

  8. lljostes says:

    Wonderful reflection in the midst of trial…thankfully God sustains what He creates and He is keeping you in His loving care! Feel better soon! Hugs ~ Laura

  9. SLIMJIM says:

    I googled that commercial and that was moving. So much to tear about for our country currently…I found another commercial that also moved me to tears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjBK1viJYwU
    HOpe you feel better with your pain

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